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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Odd Girl Out ( response)

                                                             Odd Girl Out (Response)

        Think about a time you have either been picked on or made someone feel bad by a larger group. How did this make you feel? What were your options in this situation?  Why do you think people bully others? What makes them want to hurt their peers?
        I know I have bullied people who bully me, but in elementary school, a lot of girls hated me.  I mean I was different. Unusual because I was a nerd and I had no real friends cause people used me. I remember one time this girl named J--- an L----- were bullying me in class and lunch. They locked me in a bathroom stall, and made racist jokes about me and called me rude names. I couldn't handle it and I broke down in class and was sent outside me and the girls were yelling at each other. Now days I back up people I do see bullied for I know what it feels like. Plus I look scary and intimidating sometimes so I guess its getting less than before. People see me and automatically assume I'm a terrible person. But these days I don't hear very many bad things, but who knows for sure. I hate bullies and how they treat others. I seriously felt horrible when those girls made fun of me. But the funny thing was I saw them recently and they had gotten really fat and they didn't even bother too look me in the eyes.  I could of stopped them when they first harassed me but I held it in and suffered a lot. But I had no choice really cause they were popular. So I would be made fun of even if I told. But holding it in for too long actually made me cry in class.

      I think girls bully because of their insecurities, so they pick on people lower to cover their mistakes to look better. Most females are aggressive by nature so they will actually fight for the top. Most girls intimidate peers to become alpha, so they are more likely to be know. But bullies intimidate also to get guys attention. Face it, mostly every girl wants a boyfriend. So if if a bully can make a girl feel down and move out of her way, she gets and advantage on the boys. We girls come with a temper.