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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Of Mice And Men

Lhadze Bosiljevac



In the book Of Mice And men, you see that the whole story is character verses self because Lennie cannot control himself which leads to his tradgic end.
          Lennie’s mental disability, makes kinda irrational things, but also makes him forget manys things as well. For example in this one quote on page 5:   
Lennie’s face broke into a delightly smile” Why sure George, I remember that..but..what’d we do then? I remember some girls come by and you say..”
As you can see here in the quote above shows Lennie’s forgetfulness. Because he does not remember he can’t do the right things because he does not fully understand. Meaning and making it harder for him to  connect and do things that are reasonable. When he forgets, he screws up. Which in the end makes George really mad and pissed scaring poor Lennie even worse. This also leads to the conflict because Lennie forgets too much and that is one part of why George takes his life.
       Also, Lennie’s mental problems effect his train of thought and ability to react. Like the fight he and  Curly had. As you can see :
Lennie gave a cry of terror. Blood welled from his nose. “ George”, he cried. “Make ‘um let go George.” He backed until he was against the wall, and Curly followed. Slugging him in the face. Lennie’s hands remained at his sides; he was too frightened to defend himself.
He mentally cannot think to defend himself, but yet when he gets frightened when he pets a mouse or something soft and he gets mad he can kill it. So why can’t he fight Curly? That’s another thing the shows why this book is character verses self because of the fact that he has to fight against his own fears. But it takes George to provoke him to actually fight. Yet again in the end he does end up injuring Curly really badly because he doesn’t know how strong he really is.
The last thing that shows why Lennie really as to fight against himself really is when he kills his puppy. Explained in the little segment in the chapter:
And Lennie said softly to the puppy,”Why did you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce you hard?”
This to me shows after how many times George tries to explain that he cannot keep killiing the animals on accident, Lennie does not listen. He tries to pet everything with his huge hands and kills mostly all the small animals because he doesn’t know his own strength. That by far makes George really annoyed. And the fact Lennie does not function right either makes him more stressed. And when he blows out on Lennie, It makes Lennie terrified.
         In conclusion, Lennie really had to try to fight to be a little more normal. But all of the chaos, his inability to think, led him to his end. Making this book truely sad. But he really decided his end in a way. If he could of just held on a bit longer. Either if he just was more catious, or not so narrow minded as he is. Lennie would of been better off on his own. Yet he doesn’t sadly make it that far.