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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Overall Essay Writing View

   This year, after looking back on my writing skills, I have done good, but I know I can do  much better.  And I have been surprised by my blogging as well. Because most of the time my writing contains little or no effort. So I am glad I am at least trying and improving them. Even if people think my writing is good, that does not truly mean that I am actually excelling.

      First of all, I need to do more with my writing by using correct grammar. I know I am a grammar Nazi with words and writing, but when I don't use correct english (which in most case what is correct english?) Yet anyways thats something I sometimes don't proof read and miss making my writing look like a third graders writing. Embarassing at times though. Also I want to make sure my writing is also on time. Because this is a common thing  I tend to do and its really annoying when I miss a certain date for my work. That really kills my grade and my score for the class, sadly making my day really bad and my school work harder.  Because everything piles on all the other homework assginments and projects.

    But surpisingly I did like some of my writing because I actually tried to do what I was told to do and I did a good job at it. The rest wasn't really so great but it worked out better than most of my other blog posts.  Sometimes my work had more detail or more words to captivate the reader, yet sometimes it just sounds really good to read.  But I kind of can see in the way things are written like my posts about the LGBS statement, that I needed more words and more posts. Yet the most surpirsing factor in my writing is is the comparasion from my middle school years. I remember the teachers format so well I still use it to this day! Which before I barely knew  how to wrap up a conclusion, but I m getting better about that part. And my writing style seems more smoother and relaxed compared to past years.

   By far, I've doing well this year. and I can see the progression, but I  can also see my pit falls which seem kind of like lazy stupid mistakes that I made. And I don't want to be harsh over all but my writing compared to alot of people needs to step up ALOT. So this year I need to shape up, and get moving, and start writing more. I see the progress but I see holes where ever I don't try.  This is a chance for me to see wwhat I can fix. More like an advantage then a put down if you really look at it. I mean i may not write lik shakespear, I may not have grammar as good as