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Saturday, December 11, 2010


      Disability issues are common all over the world. People are born mentally & physically handicapped. Even if they can't walk or hold still it does not mean that they are not human. These people deserve all the rights everyone else. Because they have all the rights of normal people. I hate it when they mock or insult the people who are less fortunate. Not only is it rude but it is unkind & very intimidating for the people.  Why do they always get treated so messed up? Underneath it all were all human and reserve every right to be respected. Are people mad because they get more attention?  When people take buses or trains and their is  handicapped person. Well some people start to laugh or giggle. Others don't even look as if they don't exist. At my old school people used to mimic & insult the students in special E.D.  And these kids would laugh but they didn’t know why other people were finallly paying attention to them but because they were being taunted.Honestly to be truthful, everyone has a disability, your weak point and you just have to learn to respect others flaws. Their disability has an ability. And we need to respect them for what they go through. If we actually endured what they go through our society would be in a melt down. Why? Because their too weak to handle their pain from others. People who have disabilities are the strongest people I've ever seen. The don't take no for an answer, and they never stop trying. People like us can't even take being in a cast. How would you like to be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life? I mean we all dream to be on top, famous, or happy, but when we treat these people so rudely you don't how much we hurt them making them feel so much lower.  Next time think before you act. Don't insult the less fortunate cause that can be you tommarrow.