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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Anti Prostitution Summary

You may ask what is prostitution? Well its these 11 main ideas:
Sexual Harassment
Verbal Abuse
Domestic Violence
A Racist Practice
A Violation Of Human Rights
Childhood Sexual Abuse
A Consequence Of Male Domination Of Women
A Means Of Maintaining Male Domination of Women
All Of The Above

 Prostitution is not a freely chosen profession, the pimp selects a female or usually lures them in to their profession by bribe and or kidnap. They make the  “victim” think they care  for them or that their a father figure or someone that loves them, when they don’t and they tell them “if you love me you will do this for me” etc.

"Prostitution pre-exists as a system and an institution that patriarchy has a stake in and will maintain, with or without women's consent. If women and girls are not persuaded by the big money which is sometimes offered, or the survival possibility for women or their families, then they will simply be tricked or trafficked . “
-Cecilia Hofmann, Secretary of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

The “victims” or “hoes” are also a part of mental brainwash which makes them think its ok to sell their bodies.  Most girls, women who enter the system, usually come from poor areas and will do anything to support their families. These types of issues are common in “ghetto” and heavily populated areas. Most girls are dragged in to these types of issues at a young age because of the negligence of family members or care takers. The girls find “security” with their pimps, and have no way to escape because they are threatened with death or possibly more rape. The men involved with this business are very scary and most of the girls feel trapped. You as a person cannot live like this and try and compromise with life. Its human enslavement or indentured sex servants who are treated like animals, brainwashed and even thought they suffer. Its for another persons happiness. What is wrong with this world. Most prostitutes are from the ages of 12 and 14 ( This statement from the COES). If people were to legalize prostitution, its like giving a gift to the sex industry to create more prostitutes and threaten the health of america. Women are what make people live, they give birth to you, destroy them, and you've not only screwed up the human race, but also yourself.

Janice G. Raymond
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women International (CATW)
(March 25, 2003)
:The "Teen Sex Slave" Scams: ABC's Primetime Fakery
National Review article by Andy McCarthy regarding Spitzer's legal issues