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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rude comments or are they just mean jokes?

         The element of a joke is the part where its funny, but when people take it too far, it does not become a joke, it's an insult. Sometimes, when it gets to the point to where it is an insult and can cause a HUGE conflict.  And it can lead people to depression or lack of self confidence because you've entered their bubble and made fun of them. It's an enormous put down to some people because making fun of their race, or a personal issue, can serverly hurt them and leave them alone and in fear of the person. Whereas if you tone down the level of insult in a joke, you'll probably be better off. Invoke someone and you might not be in the best position because they might get mad and then you both have the same reaction.  Nobody benifits from that at all. So if your going to say something, say it nicely or if the person doesn't mind you saying the joke then go ahead. But always know the diference between a joke and a rude comment. I know from experince, some jokes are too personal and make you very upset for a long time. Some people say jokes to entertain others, but that never goes to well. I can speak from experience, about making jokes about people that did hurt them, and until I experienced it, I kept it going. But until your in some ones shoes, you never really understand the full fundamental of how much a joke can hurt. Yet racist jokes for example, are not funny at all! They make fun of the beauty of difference in people. So if you going to make a joke, make sure it wont offend others. Because on the long run, you wont make a good name for yourself, AT ALL.