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Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Constance on The Color Purple

 So I just read Constance's blog about why she thinks Celie write to god. And I totally agree with her here :

 In the novel The Color Purple, the protagonist Celie's letters to God make it clear that she is a religious person, but it also shows something about the way she sees God. It would seem that she thinks of God as someone to whom she can tell all her problems without too much judgment, perhaps someone to confide in."

I can relate because you don't  want to tell someone about your family issues, and explain what your holding back. Because back then, as you can see in the book, women were mistreated and told to keep their mouthes shut. So it seems as if Celie can depend on god to listen to her problems and not judge her. Because what she's stating is that if she can talk to god, no one can see and hurt her for speaking up. It also gives her the chance to work at her writing skills. If you can't speak to anyone, and you cannot trust someone, you don't even know yourself that well, then you can see why she'd go to God for help. Because not only will she have got to let out her stress, but she will have also got to rethink her situation, be the judge of her own life. Not someone else. I think Celie's more afraid of how people will treat her after she admits how she feels rather than what the benefit of asking for help, guidance really is. And since she's terrified of men, she lingers to women, in which she becomes closer and more comfortable to. People she can feel more relaxed with. But either way her faith really is in God. She must of been very devoted to the fact he always listens, but never really shouts back at her. Even if misfortunes happen to her. Alltogether Celie's reason of why she writes to God mainly is the sense of security in the letters and expressing herself to someone who will not judge her for it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Should parents manipulate there kids DNA??

Oh wow. Aha big topic. These days anything can be possible. Want a smaller nose? Nose job for you. Want to have chests the size of Mariah Carey? Boob job. Need bigger fuller lips, Botox and lip injections. And everything else you need, tummy tuck, all that stuff is possible these days with the worlds astonishing technology. But is it good for you on the long run? Are the side effects worth it? But now from these tests were moving to changing our child's DNA. I'll explain one thing, messing with a new born DNA for the first critical months cause cause huge harm to the child. Why wouldn't you want your child to look like you instead of your best friend because she has blue eyes? As I get to read more more about genes and cloning, and using genetic engineering to manipulate you child's DNA the more and more you can risk further health issues. As some people state that this type of mutation as "Playing God". All the more reasons to discourage DNA manipulation is that the word " Manipulation" doesn't sound very positive. If you manipulate someone, your changing them in to believing you, not for there cause.  And if you doing this for your children's DNA and  the mutations cause the 36 chromosome's in to 64, not only have you mutated you child but it's humanly impossible to have that many chromosome's. I think by changing genes you also must not be proud of yourself. Not only are you insulting your looks and genetic building blocks but your partners as well. Natural  selection is the best way off, be glad for what nature intended.
 As this one person states on Gazizza
"Two artificial DNA “letters” that are accurately and efficiently replicated by a natural enzyme have been created by US researchers. Adding the two artificial building blocks to the four that naturally comprise DNA could allow wildly different kinds of genetic engineering, they say.
Eventually, the researchers say, they may be able to add them into the genetic code of living organisms."

 What in the hell??? Ok first of all our genetic DNA consists of 4 letter. As you know its T,A,C,G.  Therefore T bonds with A and C bonds with G. But the two new letters must bond with themselves. But changing this code can lead to future issues. Engineering a new set of DNA, the results can probably worse off then the effects. And another person on the same site explains 
"But not everyone wants what seemed to be the three genetic engineering options: refrain and let nature take her course, attempt to repair genetic diseases but otherwise let well enough alone, or select positive qualities in children. There are parents who are deliberately ensuring that their children are born with disabilities, from deafness to dwarfism. A fourth option—inflicting permanent disabling conditions on children—is now being used"

 Why would someone try to changing what they have made. We humans have been born with diseases all our lives, due to our genetic code, and the pass of traits.  In this case altering you normal child's DNA into being born disabled. Why on earth would a parent want a child to suffer? Genetic defects are the least of the newest trends that people want yet scientists are creating more defected children than healthy kids? Parents these days don't know what they want for themselves so testing your baby like a high school science lab is not the way to do it. I think after a bit of common knowledge and research, I think genetic engineering for the perfect material child is oblivious. Therefore undoubtably stupid.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wow this touched my heart

  Jasiu, I heard you had epilepsy.  But I didn't know it lead to such restrictions on daily routines and I'm so glad your still here! :D
As you stated:
"I know how it feels like to be “handicapped” since I have epilepsy. Though I am more fortunate than those who unfortunately have several seizures daily and those lost their ability to walk, my life is limited. I am advised to avoid activities that require loads of energy such as cross country running and a few games at PE when my team really needs everyone. I am also forbidden to eat carbohydrates (which include sodas, treats, pastries etc) and that I frequently violate. These rules can become so controlling I frequently ignore them, increasing the chance for me in having a seizre. Many of my dream jobs I had became erased from my future. No longer can I become an astronaut, a pilot, or an athlete since these I dream jobs just listed put my life at risk I have a seizure.  Though I luckily have auras (a feeling before a seizure), they only give me about a 10 second warning before they occur."

 I get you and how you can't eat carbohydrates. Neither can I, well I do but I'm not supposed to. I have auto immune disease.  And I'm allergic and intollerant with a lot of food. I have chronic panic attacks that strike at any given point in time, and I pass out or my heart beat drops.  This saddens me, but at the same time you still persue what you can do instead of dwelling on what you can't. And I'm relived that you  get warnings before you actually have a seizure! I wish there was a cure for epilepsy! I would trade lives with you.  You deserve it, and so do people with any physical or mental disability.  Remember your disability is an ability, and your abilities can be a disability. If you see this response can you please explain to me why carbohydrates have to avoided?  Like I said, I'm really happy your ok and I hope as time progress's you feel and get better :)

Response to Gina

Gina I read your comment. After a few years of deciding if I wanted to be scene, I had the same feeling you did. O.M.G what the hell is wrong with these people! But I loved the style, the attitude. And I guess after about 7th grade I decided I would take the leap to be scene.
  "Being scene seems a little bit like a cult. As I was doing some research on what it means to be "scene" I came across a video that made me sick to my stomach (and I refuse to post a link because I would never want to spread such blatant ignorance). In the video a "scene" girl talks about a few girls at her school who also consider themselves "scene," she goes on to bash them and call them posers. She explains that one of her schoolmates should stop trying to "look scene" because she's Black and she should go listen to rap music and leave true scene kids alone, although that isn't bad enough she then explains that there is a group of girls who cannot possible be scene because they are overweight and ugly.  I was ready to smack the "scene" off of this girl's face. As I clicked on more videos I realized that many "scene kids" think the same way and have no problem voicing their opinion."

Scene kids all have a very big point of view, and I guess you found that out. But Gina I'd like you to understand we all look the same in ways, but personality wise we can all differ (to an extent)
 I'll explain you the intense bullying I had to go through to be scene. By late 8th grade I knew I wanted to be scene. I got my hair cut, and I started to take pictures and call myself scene. By then some scenes had heard about me. Not only was I continously bullied, but also I lost all self esteem.  But did that stop me? No. I pushed harder and went to crazy extents that didn't end so well.  But now I have been noticed, people think I'm crazy scene. I need you to understand that I am not that girl in that video. I know what it's like to be the person living that scene lifestyle. But it's the posers who make us mad because we had to go through that intense labor to get where we are. Thats why we do that. But we all end up as friends most of the time in the end. And some scene girls( who by the way are the meaniest of the mean) have the worst personalities but thats basically if you tick them off. Or if they think there on top.
Also I thank full bow to your feet about this post:

"Let me start off by saying that this is not a post bashing people that choose to be "scene" or dress in that way, I respect them for dressing in a way that they like and I love that they wear a lot of Hello Kitty, but I feel that it is a little strange that there are rules to being scene."

Thank you for being mature in this post. Haha. Breathe of fresh air.  Yes scene kids are the obsession of Hello Kitty and anything child like. And google doesn't always have the greatest reference,  yet you found some pretty cool info. Yes in the love the style there are rules to being scene. Miss one and your out of the game. It's the lost guidelines. Haha. They make them, people change them and then you get the different types of scene. And for all information scene kids love to stick that in your face( as you noted)
 I think what sets off people with being scene is their attitude. But you have to look deeper than that. Like my cousin said before I turned scene, " scene kids are controlled by the media"
 Now I understand him. But I totally get your point on scene. And I see why you think it's a cult. But I think most scene kids don't take it that far. I guess our heads are full of crap, and we think wrong of everything, but we have a very nice side to us. But in the end I have no hatetred toward any new scene kid. But thank you for you opinion Gina, I understand you 100%

response to rohksor

I really don't see how your cousin got involved, either way, this blog was about comparing the two, emo and scene. Not pointing out your cousin. And by the sound  of it she seems very pretty. And I'd love to see a picture. Back to you comment, I think we discussed this about you being in a bad mood. I love who I am and it makes no  difference what so ever if everyones judgement on me is negative. I will the person I choose to be, and will remain the same. Also as you state

"What pissed me off is how my cousin was brought up!" 

Again, you cousin has nothing to do with this post. It seems to be you seem more aggravatied about scene than I am. Remember it's just a stereotype to others, but to me its a lifestyle.  And a response to this

What are we supposed to do? Do you want all beginners to come kiss your feet? 

Ahaha that was a nice one, but no thank you thats not needed in this case.  Any beginner who would kiss my feet is desperate. I am not a scene queen, and I have alot to work to get there. But what bothers me is some people google the definition of scene. Don't trust everything you see on the internet. Learn from the best, look the best. If your a google definition follower it's dead obvious. Plus I don't think any of you arguments are on the topic of what's the difference with scene and emo. But who I am and your cousin. All I'm saying is that this blog post has gotten all the negative comments. All I'm saying is if you have an argument on the subject and the main point, then please comment otherwise please don't. Cause I don't want to read 10000 responses that don't relate to the title and subject. But otherwise thats all. Rohksor I'm not calling you a liar, but I've never seen a picture. So thats why I had my doubts. But all the best for anyone trying to be scene. It's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world. But you can do it. My post isn't to discourage you, it's just scene kids are very defensive when compared or told how scene really is. So be the best you are

Response to Karisa ;D

Awww that's so sweet. I totally get you peoples points. And if your bothered I'm sorry but at this point I'm kinda of aggravated some people act like they know what scene is and try to diss me.Thank you to all you haters because your thinking about meh :) Anyways As she states:

"I can understand if someone is constantly copying everything you do, that would annoy me too, but I don't think it's right to just automatically say that everyone who says "I'm Scene", is a poser. I mean in that case someone else can just come along and say you're a poser."

 You have a very goood point Karisa and I respect that alot. And I don't call everyone one poser. I just think when you are just not fitting the so called " scene kid" status, I think by now my reaction is to call you poser. But I've put that down alot because I mean scene is like a long road and it's hard to reach. And I have had people call me poser, but thats when the best part about scene comes in because I don't care. So what I'm saying is that be who you want to be. Just cause your fighting to be top scene kid, or hipster, prep don't let it stop from being yourself. I mean this is what I've wanted to be from childhood. So I am myself. And Karisa I really thank you for helping me see this in a nicer perspective, and not yelling in my face about it. It really helps. I think personally everyones pretty, and just cause I think you're a poser does not mean I don't think your pretty. EVERYBODY'S GOREGEOUS! Hahaha. Honest to god look at yourself in the mirror(not even kidding) and say " I am beautiful, and I could careless what others have to say". I've been used to people calling me ugly since the age of 6 so at this point I feel prettier. And happy some people think I am. But in  the end, our looks go to waste, not our knowledge, so everyone whos hating, yelling at me about being scene, in 30 years I probablly wion't even remember you. So I find you views helpful like Karisa's, or just plain stupid from others.
Thank You Karisa.

HAHAH response to Rokhsor and the rest who commented on my blog

 Ok I'm going to respond to you all. I can't find every ones post but I'll post this on Rokhors blog  have  I know your cousins supposely scene, and I'm glad we have more of them, but it's when they show you looking more emo than scene and they think their so scene. It's funny to me as a Scene Kid and i find it absolutly hilarious when  you're not even scene and you call yourself scene( like the wanabes)
  I totally get how your cousin is, and she is scene because she's the general base of scene, and then she adds her own style, same here. But if you know real scene kids, and who are the true , you'll see that we have alot more in common with personality than looks. I mean it's like baking a cake, you have all the same type of batter with flour but when you add flavor, it's diiferent. So I understand you all's general point of view but coming from a place where everyones scene or you have kids who are 100% devoted to being scene, what you people see as scene is nothing close. And my point in my blog which you all are ranting about was comparing scene to emo. Not pointing out a specific person as a wanabe. I just love having new scene friends and scene kids, but the thing is that when you act fake, you don't know what its true basis is. And to me, it took a VERY long time to be scene. Getting back to someones statement about clothing. As long as you're wearing the basic ground of scene clothing, like hello kitty, cut clothes, anything crazy, then you bring it into your own fashion you got it down. And I'm not pointing down scenes but if its too the point where your a cocky annoying wanabe who shuts down everyone ofcourse im going to be upset! You don't walk down the street and go OOOOO I want to be scene. ok? You mean wanabe? And also scene queens don;'t just become scene for looks and attitude. I've talked the "scene king" whos a brother of my friend and he made it straight to me what scene was. Also my cousins girlfriend was a German scene kid, and she was talking to me and told me, "you've got scene down". Also most scene kids acheive this look because they beautiful, and I think all real scene kids are pretty and deserve to be a scene queen because we work hard. We keep up the same fashion and we wear  make up everday and we don't care if you think were ugly. Also we have alot of piercings, some don't because you can't see then. If they don't have a pericing they have tattos. So if anyone who doesn't know what scene is, it's called, pretty, crazy, beautiful, nice and a bit cocky.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Best and The's on

   Alright so college seems to be creeping around the corner. Stress, testing, homework, high school,  books. It's the most exciting and the most scary thing thats probably going to happen to us, if we choose to go. Either way, back to point.  On the "Room For Debate", they talk about colleges, and the myths and the what to knows about getting in. And under the topic of "Does It matter Where You Go", I choose

What You Do vs. Where You Go by Martha (Marty) O'Connell. Her views about college are exactly how I see it. I mean when going to college, it's about how you apply yourself in the setting given to you. When you go to a college like Stanford or Dartmouth, everyone sees the name. But if you can't apply yourself, and you sit in your office all day picking you toenails and eating your nasal mucus, wouldn't you rather hire someone from a smaller college who has the exact same education and will actually do the job? My point here is that a big name has a false image. And going to a smaller college that fits what you want and will give you the same education for less  take advantage of it! Also people say that bigger colleges push their students harder. That's not always the case. Students in Stanford are pushed harder by professors. But if you're an adult and it takes a teacher to STILL give you the feeding hand to work harder, it looks sad. People who go to smaller colleges, but actually push them selves to strive for the best, their the one you actually want. So don't look at the outer or the name. It's like you give your self a brand when you say your from an elite college. What difference does it make when you best friend studied at the University Of Florida, and you did it at Davis, and you paid $40,000 for tuition, but she did for $20,000 and you both recieved the same level of education. It's just a waste of you money. Like Martha states "The key to success in college and beyond has more to do with what students do with their time during college than where they choose to attend." Therefore in those simple words she's saying how hard you study and work will make you the better person and get the better job.

 Now for the con of the debate. I think this explination for college had  the weakest effect. 

Merit and Race by Luis Fuentes-Rohwer was the worst advice.  For this one, he explains the most obvious problems and issues within colleges. Everyone knows these basic things he's saying. We know that unkind people are in fact very racist and don't like black jobs. I find this horrible to know that we live in America  and the last words of the anthem is "...with liberty and justice for all". This is utter B.S because people won't accept blacks, mexicans for their race and we call that justice? Including the fact that when he states"  Applying for college should be a process about finding the right fit between applicant and institution. " Ok he can tell me that most people know that by now. The mass amount of humans on earth know this before their 8 years old. What a redundant fact. I don't like the information he gave. It was a waste of time reading it because I knew about this before he probably typed it.

Luis Fuentes-Rohwer

Monday, January 10, 2011

What's Emo/Scene?

  So this year I've realized a HUGE amount of people calling themselves "scene" or "emo". Well to be honest scene and emo their related. Scene is a form of emo. You just wear more colors. Most real scene kids wear Gloomy Bear, Hello Kitty, Invader Grim, Metal band shirts. They wear anything from skirts, shorts and fishnets to skinnes or just leggings ripped. Emo on the other hand is all black and mainly basic clothing with studs, and rips kind of like scene. An emo is quiet, shy, and much more emotional. They wear EXTREME amounts of eyeliner and always have black nails. Both types have piercings. But Scenes wayyyyy different.  Scene kids love listening to heavily stylized music like crunk core. They tend to try out the newest fashion, and add their own style to it to own what they wear. Scene kids are also seen as competitive, and very cocky in that they often strive to be the first within their Scene to adopt a new trend, and also can be regarded mockingly by others, who see their attempts. Scene is taken VERY seriously for me. I've grown around scene kids all my life. I guess I have more of a right to say I'm scene. Cause all you people who say "I'm Scene" your all posers. Scene kids have the hair. Yes you heard me. The crazy hair. teased, dyed, curly on the bottom.  Bows, flowers, anythign you want as  long it represents you! I mean go with the craziness. The desgins in you hair. We don't care what people think. Honestly ALOT of people like scene kids. We're pretty, and scene guys are our lovers. Or skaters. But we prefer emo or scene boys. Anyways, Scene is who I am and I love it. Most of the Scene kids look up to  Jeffery Star, J Bigga, Audrey Kitching, Amber on Fire, Brokelle Bones. And if you ever see a real scene kid, they look scary sometimes but to us thats called    B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! I know I don't look good to you people but truth is I DON'T CARE :D. So next time you think your scene and you try to ruin your hair and look kinda weird take it from someone who knows, if you know your not comfortable wearing a style you think is cute, but highly competitive, rethink it. Just like you people are preppy, jock. hipster, gangster, what ever you are, you represent who you are. And sometimes its not always clothing but definitely you personality.