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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Response to Gina

Gina I read your comment. After a few years of deciding if I wanted to be scene, I had the same feeling you did. O.M.G what the hell is wrong with these people! But I loved the style, the attitude. And I guess after about 7th grade I decided I would take the leap to be scene.
  "Being scene seems a little bit like a cult. As I was doing some research on what it means to be "scene" I came across a video that made me sick to my stomach (and I refuse to post a link because I would never want to spread such blatant ignorance). In the video a "scene" girl talks about a few girls at her school who also consider themselves "scene," she goes on to bash them and call them posers. She explains that one of her schoolmates should stop trying to "look scene" because she's Black and she should go listen to rap music and leave true scene kids alone, although that isn't bad enough she then explains that there is a group of girls who cannot possible be scene because they are overweight and ugly.  I was ready to smack the "scene" off of this girl's face. As I clicked on more videos I realized that many "scene kids" think the same way and have no problem voicing their opinion."

Scene kids all have a very big point of view, and I guess you found that out. But Gina I'd like you to understand we all look the same in ways, but personality wise we can all differ (to an extent)
 I'll explain you the intense bullying I had to go through to be scene. By late 8th grade I knew I wanted to be scene. I got my hair cut, and I started to take pictures and call myself scene. By then some scenes had heard about me. Not only was I continously bullied, but also I lost all self esteem.  But did that stop me? No. I pushed harder and went to crazy extents that didn't end so well.  But now I have been noticed, people think I'm crazy scene. I need you to understand that I am not that girl in that video. I know what it's like to be the person living that scene lifestyle. But it's the posers who make us mad because we had to go through that intense labor to get where we are. Thats why we do that. But we all end up as friends most of the time in the end. And some scene girls( who by the way are the meaniest of the mean) have the worst personalities but thats basically if you tick them off. Or if they think there on top.
Also I thank full bow to your feet about this post:

"Let me start off by saying that this is not a post bashing people that choose to be "scene" or dress in that way, I respect them for dressing in a way that they like and I love that they wear a lot of Hello Kitty, but I feel that it is a little strange that there are rules to being scene."

Thank you for being mature in this post. Haha. Breathe of fresh air.  Yes scene kids are the obsession of Hello Kitty and anything child like. And google doesn't always have the greatest reference,  yet you found some pretty cool info. Yes in the love the style there are rules to being scene. Miss one and your out of the game. It's the lost guidelines. Haha. They make them, people change them and then you get the different types of scene. And for all information scene kids love to stick that in your face( as you noted)
 I think what sets off people with being scene is their attitude. But you have to look deeper than that. Like my cousin said before I turned scene, " scene kids are controlled by the media"
 Now I understand him. But I totally get your point on scene. And I see why you think it's a cult. But I think most scene kids don't take it that far. I guess our heads are full of crap, and we think wrong of everything, but we have a very nice side to us. But in the end I have no hatetred toward any new scene kid. But thank you for you opinion Gina, I understand you 100%