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Thursday, January 20, 2011

HAHAH response to Rokhsor and the rest who commented on my blog

 Ok I'm going to respond to you all. I can't find every ones post but I'll post this on Rokhors blog  have  I know your cousins supposely scene, and I'm glad we have more of them, but it's when they show you looking more emo than scene and they think their so scene. It's funny to me as a Scene Kid and i find it absolutly hilarious when  you're not even scene and you call yourself scene( like the wanabes)
  I totally get how your cousin is, and she is scene because she's the general base of scene, and then she adds her own style, same here. But if you know real scene kids, and who are the true , you'll see that we have alot more in common with personality than looks. I mean it's like baking a cake, you have all the same type of batter with flour but when you add flavor, it's diiferent. So I understand you all's general point of view but coming from a place where everyones scene or you have kids who are 100% devoted to being scene, what you people see as scene is nothing close. And my point in my blog which you all are ranting about was comparing scene to emo. Not pointing out a specific person as a wanabe. I just love having new scene friends and scene kids, but the thing is that when you act fake, you don't know what its true basis is. And to me, it took a VERY long time to be scene. Getting back to someones statement about clothing. As long as you're wearing the basic ground of scene clothing, like hello kitty, cut clothes, anything crazy, then you bring it into your own fashion you got it down. And I'm not pointing down scenes but if its too the point where your a cocky annoying wanabe who shuts down everyone ofcourse im going to be upset! You don't walk down the street and go OOOOO I want to be scene. ok? You mean wanabe? And also scene queens don;'t just become scene for looks and attitude. I've talked the "scene king" whos a brother of my friend and he made it straight to me what scene was. Also my cousins girlfriend was a German scene kid, and she was talking to me and told me, "you've got scene down". Also most scene kids acheive this look because they beautiful, and I think all real scene kids are pretty and deserve to be a scene queen because we work hard. We keep up the same fashion and we wear  make up everday and we don't care if you think were ugly. Also we have alot of piercings, some don't because you can't see then. If they don't have a pericing they have tattos. So if anyone who doesn't know what scene is, it's called, pretty, crazy, beautiful, nice and a bit cocky.