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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wow this touched my heart

  Jasiu, I heard you had epilepsy.  But I didn't know it lead to such restrictions on daily routines and I'm so glad your still here! :D
As you stated:
"I know how it feels like to be “handicapped” since I have epilepsy. Though I am more fortunate than those who unfortunately have several seizures daily and those lost their ability to walk, my life is limited. I am advised to avoid activities that require loads of energy such as cross country running and a few games at PE when my team really needs everyone. I am also forbidden to eat carbohydrates (which include sodas, treats, pastries etc) and that I frequently violate. These rules can become so controlling I frequently ignore them, increasing the chance for me in having a seizre. Many of my dream jobs I had became erased from my future. No longer can I become an astronaut, a pilot, or an athlete since these I dream jobs just listed put my life at risk I have a seizure.  Though I luckily have auras (a feeling before a seizure), they only give me about a 10 second warning before they occur."

 I get you and how you can't eat carbohydrates. Neither can I, well I do but I'm not supposed to. I have auto immune disease.  And I'm allergic and intollerant with a lot of food. I have chronic panic attacks that strike at any given point in time, and I pass out or my heart beat drops.  This saddens me, but at the same time you still persue what you can do instead of dwelling on what you can't. And I'm relived that you  get warnings before you actually have a seizure! I wish there was a cure for epilepsy! I would trade lives with you.  You deserve it, and so do people with any physical or mental disability.  Remember your disability is an ability, and your abilities can be a disability. If you see this response can you please explain to me why carbohydrates have to avoided?  Like I said, I'm really happy your ok and I hope as time progress's you feel and get better :)