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Thursday, January 20, 2011

response to rohksor

I really don't see how your cousin got involved, either way, this blog was about comparing the two, emo and scene. Not pointing out your cousin. And by the sound  of it she seems very pretty. And I'd love to see a picture. Back to you comment, I think we discussed this about you being in a bad mood. I love who I am and it makes no  difference what so ever if everyones judgement on me is negative. I will the person I choose to be, and will remain the same. Also as you state

"What pissed me off is how my cousin was brought up!" 

Again, you cousin has nothing to do with this post. It seems to be you seem more aggravatied about scene than I am. Remember it's just a stereotype to others, but to me its a lifestyle.  And a response to this

What are we supposed to do? Do you want all beginners to come kiss your feet? 

Ahaha that was a nice one, but no thank you thats not needed in this case.  Any beginner who would kiss my feet is desperate. I am not a scene queen, and I have alot to work to get there. But what bothers me is some people google the definition of scene. Don't trust everything you see on the internet. Learn from the best, look the best. If your a google definition follower it's dead obvious. Plus I don't think any of you arguments are on the topic of what's the difference with scene and emo. But who I am and your cousin. All I'm saying is that this blog post has gotten all the negative comments. All I'm saying is if you have an argument on the subject and the main point, then please comment otherwise please don't. Cause I don't want to read 10000 responses that don't relate to the title and subject. But otherwise thats all. Rohksor I'm not calling you a liar, but I've never seen a picture. So thats why I had my doubts. But all the best for anyone trying to be scene. It's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world. But you can do it. My post isn't to discourage you, it's just scene kids are very defensive when compared or told how scene really is. So be the best you are