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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Response to Karisa ;D

Awww that's so sweet. I totally get you peoples points. And if your bothered I'm sorry but at this point I'm kinda of aggravated some people act like they know what scene is and try to diss me.Thank you to all you haters because your thinking about meh :) Anyways As she states:

"I can understand if someone is constantly copying everything you do, that would annoy me too, but I don't think it's right to just automatically say that everyone who says "I'm Scene", is a poser. I mean in that case someone else can just come along and say you're a poser."

 You have a very goood point Karisa and I respect that alot. And I don't call everyone one poser. I just think when you are just not fitting the so called " scene kid" status, I think by now my reaction is to call you poser. But I've put that down alot because I mean scene is like a long road and it's hard to reach. And I have had people call me poser, but thats when the best part about scene comes in because I don't care. So what I'm saying is that be who you want to be. Just cause your fighting to be top scene kid, or hipster, prep don't let it stop from being yourself. I mean this is what I've wanted to be from childhood. So I am myself. And Karisa I really thank you for helping me see this in a nicer perspective, and not yelling in my face about it. It really helps. I think personally everyones pretty, and just cause I think you're a poser does not mean I don't think your pretty. EVERYBODY'S GOREGEOUS! Hahaha. Honest to god look at yourself in the mirror(not even kidding) and say " I am beautiful, and I could careless what others have to say". I've been used to people calling me ugly since the age of 6 so at this point I feel prettier. And happy some people think I am. But in  the end, our looks go to waste, not our knowledge, so everyone whos hating, yelling at me about being scene, in 30 years I probablly wion't even remember you. So I find you views helpful like Karisa's, or just plain stupid from others.
Thank You Karisa.