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Friday, January 28, 2011

Re: Constance on The Color Purple

 So I just read Constance's blog about why she thinks Celie write to god. And I totally agree with her here :

 In the novel The Color Purple, the protagonist Celie's letters to God make it clear that she is a religious person, but it also shows something about the way she sees God. It would seem that she thinks of God as someone to whom she can tell all her problems without too much judgment, perhaps someone to confide in."

I can relate because you don't  want to tell someone about your family issues, and explain what your holding back. Because back then, as you can see in the book, women were mistreated and told to keep their mouthes shut. So it seems as if Celie can depend on god to listen to her problems and not judge her. Because what she's stating is that if she can talk to god, no one can see and hurt her for speaking up. It also gives her the chance to work at her writing skills. If you can't speak to anyone, and you cannot trust someone, you don't even know yourself that well, then you can see why she'd go to God for help. Because not only will she have got to let out her stress, but she will have also got to rethink her situation, be the judge of her own life. Not someone else. I think Celie's more afraid of how people will treat her after she admits how she feels rather than what the benefit of asking for help, guidance really is. And since she's terrified of men, she lingers to women, in which she becomes closer and more comfortable to. People she can feel more relaxed with. But either way her faith really is in God. She must of been very devoted to the fact he always listens, but never really shouts back at her. Even if misfortunes happen to her. Alltogether Celie's reason of why she writes to God mainly is the sense of security in the letters and expressing herself to someone who will not judge her for it.